The Junior Ring Ceremony Mass is an honored tradition at AM

On Thursday, March 14, 2024, the members of the Albertus Magnus High School Class of 2025, along with family, friends, faculty, and staff members, gathered for the celebration of the Junior Ring Ceremony Mass.
Mass. Fr. Manny Gallo, SDB and Fr. Sasika Lokuhettige, SDB concelebrated the Mass. In his homily, Fr. Manny spoke to the Juniors and reminded them that the virtues of compassion, kindness, and forgiveness are important qualities to exhibit as they prepare to assume leadership as the Class of 2025.  He urged them to be leaders who will encourage each other and build up the members of the Albertus Magnus High School community. Veritas Honors Choir sang "City of God", "Here I am, Lord", "One Bread, One Body" and "Awesome God".  Mahkayla Hargat '25 proclaimed the First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm was proclaimed by Devlynn King-McDonough '25.  Before Mass ended, Fr. Manny asked the students to think about one person in their life who encouraged them. He invited them to pray for that special person. The Junior Ring Ceremony took place following the Mass. Fr. Manny and Fr. Sasika blessed the rings that Mr. Tweed, Head of School, Mr. Power, Assistant Head of School and Mrs. Borges, Junior Class Moderator, presented to the members of the Class of 2025.
Albertus Magnus High School
798 Route 304
Bardonia, NY 10954
(845) 623-8842
Fax: (845) 623-0009
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