

Built on Faith, Bound for Excellence

The Sponsor-A-Falcon program is dedicated to the philosophy that every student showing academic motivation and potential should have the opportunity to attend Albertus Magnus High School. Families make great sacrifices to send their children to Catholic schools but many still need our help.
Sponsor-A-Falcon donors help students with demonstrated need and potential to succeed to attend Albertus with their donation of $2000 each year for 4 years. The student is aware of the donor's commitment to their education and must maintain in good standing. Make every Falcons dream of attending Albertus a reality. Express support for the school's future by giving a gift directed to the Sponsor a Falcon Program.

List of 3 items.

  • Falcon Responsibilities

    • Complete Introductory Form to be shared with their sponsor
    • Each Christmas, AM supplies each Falcon with a Christmas Card that the Falcon completes in December that the school sends to the Sponsor.
    • Each Spring the Falcon sends a letter of gratitude with an update of academics and extracurriculars to the Sponsor via the Development Office.
  • School Responsibilities

    • Each January and June, Development Office sends each Sponsor an email update on the academics and extracurriculars of the Falcon.
  • Sponsor Responsibilities

    • The Sponsor can, if they wish, share their contact information with the Falcon Family. 
    • When the Falcon graduates from AM, the Sponsor will be invited to the graduation ceremony.
"Fran and I are supporting the Sponsor the Scholar program as a way to make a difference in the life of someone who would otherwise not be afforded the chance to attend Albertus. I loved my time at Albertus and want to see another student have the benefit of an education that made a difference in my life." - Bill & Fran Loftus
Albertus Magnus High School
798 Route 304
Bardonia, NY 10954
(845) 623-8842
Fax: (845) 623-0009
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