Falcons INSPIRED, AM students attend the Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference

Campus Ministry
Representing Albertus Magnus at the Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference were Thomas Castelluccio ’26, Andrew Castillo ’26, and Elizabeth Guzman ’26.
The Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference was held at Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan from June 27 – July 2. Twenty-nine students and their mentors, representing ten Dominican Catholic high schools, attended the conference. Three students from Albertus Magnus High School - Thomas Castelluccio ’26, Andrew Castillo ’26, and Elizabeth Guzman ’26 – attended the preaching conference accompanied by Sr. Diane McSherry OP '78, Director of Campus Ministry.

The purpose of the Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference is to empower high school students to discover and deepen the preacher within themselves through prayer, study, community, and interaction with members of the Dominican Family. The conference featured presentations and experiences on the following topics:
  • Preaching in the Dominican Tradition – Participants explored the four Pillars of Dominican Life and how we are called to live them out. We learned what makes for effective preaching and how our leadership style impacts others in multiple ways.
  • Preaching the Signs of the Times – Participants learned about the Dominican Call to Justice and explored issues surrounding immigration, racism, gender equality, inclusion of people with disabilities, and care of Earth.
  •  Preaching Through the Creative Arts – Participants discovered that the good news of the Gospel can be preached through a variety of artistic expressions: mandalas, origami, sculpture, drama, liturgical movement, and song.
  •  Preaching in Action - Participants engaged in a day of service at a non-profit organization in the local community.
Besides attending the workshops, the students, under the guidance of trained liturgists, had the opportunity to plan morning and evening prayers as well as the Sunday Mass and closing liturgy. They also had the chance to participate in various prayer experiences: walking the labyrinth, praying the rosary, meditating on a sacred image, laying down burdens, and receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation. Team building was an important part of the conference. Students met each evening in a Home Group session. These sessions gave students and mentors from different schools time together to reflect on the day’s experiences and to discuss them in an inclusive environment. The students also enjoyed interacting with each other on teams to participate in a scavenger hunt and a Minute Olympics competition.

The Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference provided an opportunity for students and their mentors to be immersed in the four Pillars of Dominican Life – Prayer, Study, Community, and Service – and how they form a foundation for understanding the Dominican Tradition of seeking Truth in our lives.  AM is grateful to the Dominican Sisters and Associates of Sparkill as well as benefactors of Albertus Magnus High School for making it possible for to attend the 2024 Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference.

"One of the most impactful moments on this trip was during the presentation of Michael Petro elaborating on the importance of utilizing the four pillars to live a balanced, fulfilling life. Also interacting with various Dominican Sisters allowed me to witness that as Michael Petro said, “When you meet one Dominican Sister, you only meet one Dominican Sister.” This means that unlike some groups, the Dominican Sisters are made up of so many different experiences. That is what we got to witness at this Preaching Conference. A multitude of countries, backgrounds, adventures, and faith journeys in each individual Sister. I am eternally grateful to have been able to go on this Conference, meet the people I did, and truly realize the immense treasure it is to be surrounded by a faith-based community." Elizabeth Guzman '26, Preaching Team

"When I attended the conference, I learned many new things about the Dominican faith and social justice issues. I met amazing people and learned what truly happens with the immigration systems and how racism affects people. I learned about the different types of micro aggressions and the struggles that immigrants face and how short staffed our modern-day immigration systems are. This conference motivated me to strive for a change and work towards a better future for our future generations. This conference helped me grow in my faith and taught me things about the Dominican way of life that I never would have known. It truly was an amazing and memorable experience and I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to attend this amazing conference." Andrew Castillo '26
Albertus Magnus High School
798 Route 304
Bardonia, NY 10954
(845) 623-8842
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